Commissioner reiterates concerns about Data Protection and Digital Information (No 2) Bill to Scottish MP on Westminster Committee
Dear Carol Monaghan MP, SNP Glasgow North East, I understand that you are a member of the Westminster Committee considering the above Bill. One aspect of the Bill, which is difficult to comprehend, and which has devolution consequences for Scotland... -
Biometric data acquisition from children and vulnerable people reviewed
Scottish Biometrics Commissioner - Dr Brian Plastow lays two joint assurance reviews before Parliament -
Commissioner's statement on biometric enabled public space surveillance in Scotland
On 23 February 2023, a motion about the reach of Chinese state surveillance in Scotland (S6M-07832) was laid in Parliament by Alex Cole-Hamilton, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats. The motion engaged with matters of UK national security and data... -
Commissioner meets with Hikvision in Edinburgh
On 30 January 2023, the Commissioner received a request from Hikvision for a meeting to discuss their Scottish operations. On 03 February, the Commissioner wrote to Hikvision agreeing to the meeting which took place in Edinburgh on 24 February. Copies... -
Scottish opposition presses to expand Biometrics Commissioner oversight role -
Commissioner welcomes publication of report into emerging technologies in Policing
The Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Dr Brian Plastow has today welcomed the publication of the ETIAG report which engages with contemporary debates around the panoply of technologies that will inevitably emerge in policing in Scotland in the years to come. The... -
Statement by Scottish Biometrics Commissioner
Statement by Scottish Biometrics Commissioner on the public space surveillance infrastructure in Scotland. Scottish Parliament Motion number S6M-07832 On Thursday 23 February 2023, Motion number S6M-07832 is due to be heard in the Scottish Parliament. The motion lodged by Alex... -
Scottish Biometrics Commissioner welcomes annual report for England and Wales
The Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner for England and Wales Professor Fraser Sampson has recently published his annual report for 2021/22. Welcoming the report, the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Dr Brian Plastow said: ‘I share and endorse the concerns expressed by... -
Commissioner interview with SPRITE+ (Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust, Engagement, NetworkPlus)
In December The Commissioner participated in an interview for a SPITE+ sandpit on Future Digital Identity. The interview was shown as part of the 'provocation videos' the participants could watch in advance of the session. You can view the video... -
Commissioner meets with Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans
On 26 January the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Dr Brian Plastow met with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans Keith Brown MSP. The meeting provided an opportunity for the Commissioner to thank the Cabinet Secretary, the Parliament Criminal Justice Committee,... -
Quarterly Newsletter No 7 - December 2022
Welcome to the November newsletter from the Scottish Biometrics Newsletter. Since the last newsletter a lot has happened and in this newsletter I will update you on our progress. -
Commissioners attends SPA Board Meeting
Commissioner gives evidence to Scottish Police Authority Board meeting on his Annual Report and Code of Practice.